Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Christians: Evolution is mathematically and biologically proven....why do you keep on preaching creationism? ?

It's true; evolution, scientifically, is virtually inarguable. But many religious practices are rivaled by logical proof and yet still commonly held in conviction. Unfortunately, people will believe what they believe and in human nature you will find that it is generally a very difficult thing to change that. I find the answer to be mostly psychological - when you're brought up to believe that something is true, and this is what you're told all your life, it can be unsettling - maybe even traumatic - to someday be told that it is all a lie. Many take religion very seriously and hold it's ideas close to them because it's what they know, and for some it can be a source of mental safety. How would a person in that situation, for example, be expected to suddenly recant their beliefs? It is easy for you or me, maybe, because we aren't strong in religion. But for someone in a situation such that this is the idea with they have been brought up? Easier said than done. It seems like a simple concept if you understand evolution's probability, but in order to understand one who rejects it, we need to take a step back and try to walk in their shoes. That's the way I see it...just an opinion.

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