Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ex boyfriend trouble? how is he feeling?

Ex-boyfriend apologized to me after 3 months of not talking, we've been broken up for 7. Stares at me a lot an turns around to look at me. If I'm talking to someone near him, he looks over my face. He was sitting in my friends car and I told him to lower the music and he just looked at me and pretended not to hear me and kept smiling and we never broke eye contact until I looked away. He's constantly facing in my direction. He walked away, I sat in my friends car and he walked back over a few minutes later and he insisted on standing by the door that was right next to me. Afterward, I was sitting online and he randomly IMed me. He even apologized when he didn't answer. He had to sit next to me and we were touching each other and he didn't pull away. He was bored and tired one night but he stayed and hung out with a small group of us anyway. Out of the 5 of us, there was me, a girl who's dating his friend, someone he's not really close with and a kid he wouldn't just stay out to hang out with. He even re-added me on Facebook after he left. He IMed me again last night. What's he doing? 2 hours ago -4 days left to answer. Additional Details He also had the chance to make fun of me but then I looked up at him and he just didn't.

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