Monday, August 8, 2011

Input on a younger male friend?

This may seem trivial but I"d like input about a male in his mid 20's that I have been friends with now for about 3 years. I am 40 and we talk through either our phones or on facebook (never calling or actual talking but on messenger) and he does have a girlfriend. We used to have great conversations and now He will message me things out of the blue that make no sense; for instance we were talking the other day about cars and then says "I like subway". One night he messaged me "I'm a *****" out of the blue. I have met him a few times and I know he is white. Last night he messages me out of the blue asking about car insurance and when I told him what I have, his response was "he's a *****". This time, I tried to joke and sent him song lyrics which he was like "huh" and I then tried to apologize after I told him I was playing his game. Now I am wondering if he is mad at me and I hate to lose him as a friend and he usually gets back to me when he wakes up but hasn't. Why would a young guy even want to talk to a 40 yr old woman and send me random things that don't make sense a lot of times? Any input is greatly appreciated. Should I try to message him again?

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