Monday, August 8, 2011

The saddest dream but also a wake up call?

I dreamed that my cousin (4 yrs) had one day until she would develop a mental disability. My mother said the only way she could live was to get this shot for staph infection (idk why)....It was the next day my cousin was fine until it hit 12 pm and she lost her site. She began crying and I was comforting her and said she would be fine and reiterated to her I loved her....all of a sudden she stopped crying and almost as if realized she was never going to be the same again so she smiled and almost acted like nothing was gonna happened. She grew this maturity that made her seem strong. To my surprise my dad showed up randomly (in reality he never shows up when we need him the most and he is a nurse) and he randomly had the vaccine in his car. He gave my cousin the shot but we were not 100% sure it was gonna work. She was still blind but she played/ hugged/talked like nothing was wrong. She almost adapted to the blindness right away. It was beautiful bc instead of living like her life was miserable....she lived it like there was no tomorrow. The last part was bringing her back to her mom bc I wanted her mom to see her before my cousin fully developed the mental disability but I woke up before I could see if she developed the disability. I cried when I woke up bc this dream was a wake up call. I have never had a family member with disabilities/illness and the amount of maturity my cousin grew really inspired me to live life with no regrets. ....I had to spill my thoughts. What do you think this whole things means?

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