Monday, August 8, 2011

Do you think that just because people are of age, they are ready to have children.?

From personal experience I see that too many people that shouldn't have children are having babies like it's OK. I feel so sorry for the sorrow, and misfortunes these poor children have to go through just because young people think their grown,and it's b/c of people who think just b/c they can, they have children senselessly. I have learned through my own experience that I shouldn't have had children being that I was still trying to cope, and recover from a drastic childhood that I experienced and had no one to help me deal with. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't of had my children at the time I had them. I believe a lot of our hardships now is b/c of my lack of knowledge, wisdom, maturity, etc, etc, I was emotionally damaged, mentally confused, and disturbed. There is so much more that meets the eye to raising healthy children. If I had enough money I would become an advocate for children, trying to educate young people, to avoid, prevent, and think hard not to have children aimlessly. So many of us are not ready to bring another little people into this world that's all ready so challenging, and corrupted. Please try to Consider Adoption, giving your child to someone that can afford to give your child a better chance in life. Prevention, so not to bring in misery for everyone, including the child when you're not ready for the child. Think, think, think, not of yourself but for this innocent, helpless little human being that knows nothings of what's to come if you're not ready to bring them up as they so well deserve.

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