Friday, August 12, 2011

Is this the reaction I should have given when he apologized to me?????

Theres this guy I was seeing in early January, I met him in a club and slept with him the next day :( which I regretted, he took me out for a meal the next day and we'd got to know each other a bit more, then I slept with him. We kept seeing each other after that and going out together, we went clubbing and to the cinema. Then after a month he was telling me you are nice, funny, sweet etc its a pleasure being with you. Then all of a sudden he told me he didn't want to see me again (he'd found another girl, I saw it on his facebook and he was in a relationship with her) this is a week or so after he ditched me, they started dating. Then in April (3 months later) he messaged me on facebook saying sorry for what I did, I regret it, I was stupid.. the other girl did me worse. The reply I gave to him was one of anger, I said I couldn't believe he'd ditched me and hurt me, and that I'd really liked him etc. I told him when we were out together that he was sometimes dancing with other girls, and maybe she saw that too and didn't like it. He replied one last time saying I was completely different with her, I respected her more than any other girl (e.g me). I told my friend earlier about it earlier, and she said at the time I should have said its fine, whatever when he replied, and then he would have maybe wanted more... I did like him still at the time, I was angry.. was the apology from him a suggestion that he wanted more, or was it just to get rid of his guilt? since then hes never bothered to speak to me or reply when I've contacted him.

Friend charging me rent from the blue?

If it was agreed as you say, that you were not responsible for rent, then technically, you owe him nothing. It is wrong for him to first tell you that, only to spring a bill on you after the fact. It would be gracious of you to offer some assistance, but since you were not expecting to have to pay, you might have planned your finances with that in mind. Also, anyone who pays rent has a say in how the household gets run, like inviting whoever you want, coming and going as you please, Were you given the same rights as an official tenant? Anyway, he was wrong and its good of you to pay it just to save the friendship. Lesson learned: Come to a specific agreement in advance or get your own place.

Dating is irrational, so why do teenagers do it?

Not everyone wants to date. There is nothing abnormal about being interested in science and building stuff. Especially since boys actually mature more slowly sexually than girls, and it appears that your mom is out of line here, if that is all that is going on, or if she is creating incidents herself. However, she has the upper hand, and my advice, with all due respect, sincerely though I am totally with you insofar as what you have said is: Cooperate with the therapy idea. Eventually you will win as you are the younger and "Youth will be served".

How can I express mode (the most common item of a set) mathematically?

I need to define (mathematically) the mode of a given set. There is no problem expressing it with words, but I don't find how to do it mathematically or using a formula.

If a guy hasn't texted in four days?

Recently, my friend tried to "set me up" w/ this guy who lives two hours away from me. I got to know him through text and i met him once and he was really shy i could barley get anything out of him he latered apologized for being so shy. Anyway, him and i text every now and then we use to text each other every day and now its becoming less and less. Should the female be the first to start conversation or should the male during texting? He seems sweet but i don't know if anything will really come between us. Could he possibly be uninterested? He doesn't have a job, he doesn't volunteer and i know he doesn't have a car, he does hang out w/ his friends alot though. During our last text he said that he wanted to see me on the fourth of july and i said that i wasn't sure what my plans were but i haven't heard from him since and this was four days ago should i text him? By the way i am a 19 yr old female and he is a 22 yr old male. Any ideas? Thanks!

My girlfriend cheated on me with her Ex did I make the right decision?

he shouldnt have anything to say to u. he shouldnt have done that and neither should she have. most girls and guys... once cheaters will most likely cheat again.. i would keep it as u guys stay friends. u let her have that freedom and she did that anyway. u will never have the same trust for her and that will always be a problem in your relationship, expecially if she does plan on still bing friends with him. she had no reason to do it and there is no reason to get back together. and i wouldnt wanna c him. he knew about u and her and he shouldve accepted that and known that that wouldnt be ok.

Dating is irrational, so why do teenagers do it?

Drastically different. Through dating, you're not only getting to know the person you're courting, but yourself through having a relationship. Each is to their own, but dating is part of growing up.

Should I just end this relationship?

I love my boyfriend to death, but i'm growing more and more frustrated with him. We're both 16 and i'm 2 months pregnant with his baby. He's extremely sweet and caring and loyal, but I have this problem with him. He never spends more then one full day with me. He gets homesick and is emotionally attached to his dad, who has been in and out of jail his whole life and who now has custody of him again. He constantly wants to spend time with his dad, but he needs to spend time with his pregnant girlfriend too. He's barely ever there to help me cope. I'm getting extremely frustrated, although he apologizes often for this I just NEED him to spend more time with me. What should be done here?

Im 15 (16 soon) and I like an 18 year old guy...?

Just tell him how old oyu are. If he really likes you he wont mind. Btw, my parents are like two years apart so i dont think age difference matters.

Is this how you play good no limit hold'em poker?

Those aren't particularly bad guidelines, but don't take them as hard-and fast rules...there are all sorts of other considerations (position, chipstack size, reads on other players, proximity to the bubble or other important tournament event, etc.) and you should try to avoid doing the exact same thing in a given scenario every time unwavering style of play makes it likely you're giving other players a read on your game.

Do I Leave him alone? Or apologize to him?

say sorry you ******* wanker **** pussyhole **** pissed cunty ****** dickeded wanker ****** ****** and thats whyb you shouod say sorry!

I got rejected by a girl i really liked.....feel horrible now.....what should i do?

maybe she's playing games with you. i say keep liking her but at a safe distance where shes comfortable with it

POLL: What's better, having kids at an early age, or at an older age?

Definitely younger. I am 23 and have 3 children 3 years and under, with our 4th and last on the way. (We had children after we were married). Reasons: Definitely more energy, if you have a solid moral foundation-you can teach them equally the same as when you're older. In my experience of seeing older people with young children-their children tend to be bratty because the parents just let it go. Also, and a HUGE plus, you lose the baby weight faster when you're younger and it's easier on your body to have babies at a younger age (in you early-mid 20's). And I think another huge plus is you don't have kids still living at home when you're in your 50's.

What are Female soldiers Like?? Are the rumors true?

Im thinking about joining the air force but are the girls cute or are they kinda manly? Also I keep hearing rumors they are loose. Im really attracted to qualities like intelligence, discipline, courage, maturity, good communication skills etc. I think female military will have more of this and they are in better shape than civilians. This not my only reason for joining i just want to know.

Creationists: is any of this evidence at all compelling to you?

Creationists don't have any good evidence to prove their case, just a book filled with inaccurate caveman science. There I said it but the Catholics have rejected Creationism because there is no good evidence for it

Help with this shy girl lots of info please help :/?

Refering back to your comment of "to shy to hang out 1 on 1" if thats the case you should see if she's willing to hang out with you and some of her friends. Ivv dated a few shy women in my day and you just gotta hang in there they might live a very sheltered life and all its going to take is time for them to adjust . Or just talk to her about it that is probably the best thing you can do.

Question about intelligence?

I consider myself to be an intelligent person but I seem incapable of performing well on the sat writing and reading sections of the SAT. I do very well on the mathematics, partly because I'm more mathematically minded, but it seems like I should be able to at least get above 650 on the reading and writing. So my question is how indicative is the SAT to a person's success in college and to higher level thinking?

Dating is irrational, so why is it so prevalent?

i don't get the people that post weird things over and over again -__- is there like a community of them?

How long does it take for a Golden Retriever to get full feathers and size?

I have a 20 month old Golden Retriever. I've had her since she was a puppy. She's about average size for her breed. Everywhere I go people think she's a puppy. She's got some feathering around her hind legs, tummy, fronts, and tail. How long will it take before she reaches full maturity?

Please mark essay on Adversity in Shawshank Redemption.?

I like it, although I can't see all of it! And there is one more thing you wrote: In the film The Shawshank Redemption, the Shashank Redemption is a book, written by King, So not a film makes a character but King :)

Is college algebra a higher math than mathematically applications?

One college whats you to have mathmatically applications 116 but I can only take college algebra 100 at the college I'm attending I called the school and the lady said that college algebra was higher than mathmatically applications???? So I'm confused. Cause i have no idea???

Why are teenagers so obsessed with dating and sex?

Wow, you are one amazing person. Man, I wish I was that smart. But here's a tip man, you need to relax and have some fun sometimes. Life isn't all about being smart and productive. You can still be successful and have a fun life. Remember that, you got to take things easier. Don't think so much about little things like teenage dating, your head will explode!!! Just don't mind them, and focus on your own life. And why we date? It is fun and exciting to ask people out and go see a movie or something. Plus, making out is fun too ;)

Prove that mathematically, Sinx/x=1?

It is not true that sin(x)/x = 1; for example, if x = 2 pi, sin(2 pi) = 0, so sin(2 pi)/2 pi = 0. However, it is true that lim(x -> 0){sin(x)/x} = 1. For a proof, use L'Hospital's Rule.

Should I let my wife move on...?

Cause-Effect due to your wrong doings. Although we should endorce putting a broken relationship back, I cannot see good things ahead in this relationship. Sad, people do not realize that an affair or criticizing thier spouse could cause harm, they still insist in banging their head against the wall. You first have to be prepared for a lasting commitment and then get married. If I am mistaken and you still can repair this desaster, go ahead, be a man, and get your family back!

Wedding fall out with best friend?

This is still a sticky issue and people, unfortunately, feel passionately one way or the other about this. You love your sister and your bf. Perhaps she thought she could handle it, then found out she could not. It is obviously something that she is having great difficulty dealing/coping with. Make the first move, talk with her in private, honestly, openly as only bf's can. Tell her you miss her and want her to be a part of her big day. Tell her you respect her opinions, we each have one, but ask her if she can put hers aside as it will mean the world to you to have both your bf and sister with you on your special day. If she can't get past this issue long enough to share your big day, then it is sadly, her loss. Hard to let go, but if she can't, she can't and you have to accept that no matter how hard. Sorry, but just calling the shots as I see them. Some people just really have problems with people who in their eyes do not fit the "traditional mold". Good luck, maybe after she has time to think it over, she will come around after having some time to think this thru. Best wishes!!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to calculate the number of combinations of matches in each group of a tournament?

Each group will have n(n-1)/2 matches, where 'n' stands for number of players in that respective group.

Top mature online MMORP Games ! Free is a plus !?

Well I think that any high quality MMORPG will have more mature player. World of Warcraft has some mature players depending on your server. Also, Rift has gotten good reviews so that might be worth a look. My suggestion would to be try a free trial for one of those, try out a couple servers and see how you like it.

Rooming with annoying temp on week-long business trip?

My friend told her boss she had an embarrassing problem with sleepwalking to avoid the situation you are in. It worked and she always gets her own room now.

Should I move on or should I wait for him?

Me and this guy dated for about 6 months officially. We knew each other for about 2 years prior and we instantly had an attraction. We are both quite young, I'm 15 and he's 17. (please don't comment on the age difference. My parents were ok with it and I would never date any other guy with that age difference). Anyway, we fell in love (also please don't comment on the fact that we're so young and na�ve and don't know what love is and blah blah). Like I said, we dated for about 6 months and we broke up because we fought a lot and our maturity levels were so different and we wanted different things out of the relationship. We had such a strong connection immediately and we honestly loved each other more than anything. We both thought that we were meant for each other. I was hesitant to believe this at first but I couldn't help it, we were perfect for each other and I couldn't possibly imagine myself with someone else. After we broke up I was devastated and weeks later he claimed not to be over me either. Now we've kind of grown apart and we don't talk much, mainly because I know that if I do then I'm just gonna end up getting hurt. I miss him a lot and I still love him more than anything. He acts as if he could care less about me, and im starting to think thats true. I don't know what to do about it. Should I just forget about him and everything we had? Should i find out how he feels about me? He's gonna go to college and I won't see him anymore... It's just hard to move on because we both felt so strongly. Any advice...? I want to move on because I won't see him and it'll just hold me back, but I don't know how. And please if you're just going to comment on the fact that I'm so young then don't bother. I know I'm young. He said that now just isn't the right time for us and that he still wants to be with me in the end... Is that even a possible thing for him to claim at this point? Do you think he was just trying to be nice?

I'm 20 and have a huge crush on a 34 year old woman?

Is that strange? weird? I'm a 20 year old guy and really REALLY like a 34 year old woman. If something were to happen between us, would it be morally wrong? is the maturity level between us likely vast?

Signs representing "and"?

I was just wondering, what are all the signs that represent "and"? Mathematically and grammatically?

My girlfriend is still friends with her ex?

Long story short, my girlfriend's ex is part of her like friendship group sorta thing, and when i go out with her and her other mates who i get along with he's obviously bound to be there, anyway last night we all went out and she seemed to talk to him alot more than i was comfortable with, this confused me because when me and her first started seeing each other she said he treated her like crap in their relationship and she didn't like him as a friend or anything, now she's saying they're mates etc. Anyway we had a little tiff about it in town and he was asking her ohhh you alright etc, we made up, i was meant to be staying at hers but said i was gonna go home because of this and she flipped, i apologised and went back to hers at the end of the night etc. Anyway in the morning i was on her phone playing angry birds (lol) when i just so happened to stumble across her message inbox to see texts from her ex from a few days ago, nothing incriminating but just seemed to bother me because there were texts from her going remember to text me happy birthday and everything when you get back from travelling xx, meh and just yeah seemed to bother me. I cant tell her who to be friends with but have i got reason to be a little annoyed?

What in the world is going on with my bf?......?

My bf and I are both 18 and have been together for 9 months. We have had our ups and downs, but last night was definitely a major down. I was babysitting these 2 kids for about 4 hours last night when my bf texts me and says , "Umm who is in the house with you"..i said, "me and the kids why do you ask"....and he replied, "tell me the truth im not stupid i just drove by and I saw someone else in there" I had thought I'd seen his car drive by so I knew he saw the house (he lives near where i babysit so i wasnt completely freaked out but just thought it was rude of him to go out of his way to stalk me)...anyways, I called him (he didnt pick up)..soooo i left him a voicemail saying something like, "I would never call you stupid but youre definitely not right about this, it's me and the 2 kids, and no one else 1)why would i sneak anyone over while im babysitting and 2)if i ever was stupid enough to sneak someone over you should trust me that it would be you". Well, my bf continued to ignore me for ab a half hour. After about a half hour he answered and asked, "why do u keep calling me"...and I told him that I love him and that i need him to trust me and apologize to me for accusing me of something i didnt do. He refused to apologize bc he "knows what he saw". Then after babysitting I went to see him for a few minutes, and he still refused to apologize. I broke down in tears when he still wouldnt believe me, even though he wasn't mad at me, he still was acting like he "knewwww" exactly what he saw...and it was driving me insane bc nothing actually happened!! Well, once i was crying he comforted me and was all loving and sweet and I forgot about being mad. I'm really hurt that he doesn't believe me about this. Was he just making up that he saw someone else? Or is he really that paranoid of me? I've never done anything to make him distrust me that much.

How do i gain control back in the relationship?

i have been dating this guy for about 10 months.. and to be honest he can be a bit immature with things... i love him to death and he is super affectionate and everything but he doesn't handle arguments very well.. when he is mad at me or upset he gives me the cold shoulder.. and i mean super icy cold,, i could be asking him a direct question and he would act like i'm not even there. he is starting to get better in that regard, but for the most part in times of arguments when i know i didn't do anything wrong at all, i am the one ending up apologizing because i just want things to be better, i tell him things like "i don't know what i did to upset you, but whatever i did i'm sorry" trying to understand where he is coming from, however, he never really gives me an insight of what is bothering him, and if he does it's not till a long time later.. what is the best way to handle that? should i leave and then give it time to talk about it? or what is a good way to handle an argument when the other person isn't discussing with you what is bothering them...

Is there a huge maturity difference?

Not as big as the difference between people of different ages who are still in their early to mid-teens, and not always, but yes. Most 18-21 year olds are still in school and/or trying to figure out their lives. By the time they graduate and/or have been out in the world long enough, they have a better idea of who they are and what they want.

Is 21 too young for me?

i was 21 and dated someone who was 30. its fine... give it a try. usually girls are mature at that age

Which requires more responsibility and maturity having a baby or getting married?

Having a baby means you are keeping the baby and raising it to be a product member of society, and getting married means being faithful and not getting divorced (staying true to your marriage vows). Given these definitions, which require more responsibility and maturity?

What should i do about this shy girl.. Help please lots of info :(?

Don't put so much pressure on yourselves. Maybe you could double date or go out with a group of people so you don't have to worry about being so shy. Once you hang out a few times it will be easier to do things one on one. Good luck!

My husband of 6 years suddenly "CHANGED HIS MIND" and doesn't want kids!!?

Im sorry, and I hate to jump on the divorce him bandwagon. But he deceived you. You want kids and I am pretty sure if you cant live that dream out you will feel terrible when its too late. It will make you hate him. Might as well be honest. Maybe you need to go to a marriage counselor and figure out why he changed his mind. Maybe its something specific.

My angel fish are starting to fight why?

are you sure they are both sounds to me as if they might be mating...I am not an expert but I have done research and to me it sounds as if they are practicing there mating skills or the are mating.

If yoU make someone cry...?

If you make someone cry, and you realize you were wrong and try to apologize some time after, but they don't want to talk to you, even some time after, even if they don't ever want to hear your apology, does that make them immature? Hypothetically.

What does the theme "Nature of Man" supposed to mean?

for romeo and juliet and to kill a mockingbird, ive done loss of innocence, racism and prejudice, grudges and growth and maturity. what is nature of man supposed outline?

Girlfriend is upset with me?

I have been with my girlfriend for 8 months. The issue we are having in the relationship is me recognizing what she is upset about. If I do something wrong I get the silent treatment. She will never want to talk about it when I ask her whats wrong. We talked about this and its just what she does when she is upset. She wants me to figure out what is wrong on my own and to apologize. I try to figure out what I did wrong but I usually end up apologizing just in general and dint figure it out, or I do when she tells me. We have somewhat gotten past this but is there something I could do to try and fix this? Second, since this issue whenever she appears upset I ask her if its something I did, I guess I have trouble recognizing when I do something wrong. I tell her I didn't do anything to upset her I just want to make her happy.

Can I teach myself piano?

I have been playing the piano my whole life. This is exactly what I recommend: Get a teacher, learn the basics. Spend a year with that teacher working really hard and absorbing everything. they have to give you. Then, once you have a firm foundation, you can use the internet and music literature to teach you. If you want to become professional, then you certainly need a teacher to get you there because there is so much about music that you would never know unless someone taught/explained it to you. But if you want to play for your own pleasure, I strongly suggest you get a good teacher to give you a good foundation, then you can teach yourself through youtube, piano forums, music literature, harmony and theory from people like Schoenberg just like I do, and you should be just fine


I'm sorry I thought this would be a paragraph but I didn't realize you wrote a f*cling book on it. Come back when I dot want to slap you!!

My Bestfriend kissed my crush?

okay so me and this girl i like..and my two other friends..and we we went doing nothing kinky like that. but we were in a store and she walked away and so did my friend i thought they just went separate ways and going to buy something and im like "time to make my move". i followed her ending up seeing her and my best friend in a Deep make out...soo i need help dealing with this. she didn't see me but he did.. later he apologized and said she came on to him.. and she did. so should i keep chasing this girl.. and should i forgive my friend thanks in advance

HELP ME PLEASE..with this letter?

do not re-new your contract, don't cancel your contract either because this makes you voluntarily homeless, the council will not see it as you being homeless you must be evicted. To do this tell the landlord you will not be paying anymore rent after contract runs out tell him its because of the reasons that you have stated in your letter. The landlord will serve you with a notice of eviction to leave the premises because he is not going to renew your contract this should be 30 days depending on your contract you will have to pay this month to avoid getting bad credit but don't pay straight away make him wait or he will withdraw the notice. If your not bothered about your credit don't pay any rent at all he will soon want you out. Take Your letter of eviction to the council saying you will be homeless on that date stated on your letter and by law they have to re house you. The only way the landlord can get you out will be to take you to court so this may take 3 months. If you really don't care about your credit then don't pay anything not even your utility bills because the landlord is responsible for these and he will have to pay them, it will be a little pay back for you for not having the proper facilities that anyone deserves. Hope this is of some help to you.

Why is electric field of an infinite sheet not dependent on the distance from a charged object?

Why isn't it? I know that mathematically speaking the 'z' term 'disappears' when we take limit of 'size of sheet' to infinity, but how do i understand it in actual sense?

LIC policy maturity amount?

What would be the maturity amount now for the Endowment Assurance policy Plan T.14 which is started on 1997 and 15 year completed in April 2011. The plan was for 15 years. On the LIC page i could see the acquired Bonus of 72500. thats all . could somebody help me here please?

What does it mean to dream about someone that has hurt you but still in love with?

I dated someone for almost a year and i keep having dreams about him and him apologizing because after we broke up a lot of stuff started. I don't really understand dreams. so i was curious if anyone could help explain this.

Mathematically speaking and barring some catastrophe, should the singularity actually occur in the 2020's?

I've heard this before and I want some opinions on how realistic this prediction is. Will computer processing power continue to double every 12-18 months or do you think it will slow down or hit a ceiling before computers can rival human intelligence in all areas?

How do you fully get over your ex-boyfriend?

We had been in love and dated for 8 months but broke up mutually even though we still liked each other. I cannot fully get over him because he's the only kid in my school with some maturity, some responsibility, and is funny nice and has great values in life. There's a ton i regret from our relationship and a part of me wanting him back, but i dont know how to fully get over him.

Should I get back with my daughters father?

My daughters father and I have had extremely hard times the past few months since she's been born. He has anger issues (ADHD & Bi-polar) and could not control his anger so I broke up with him about 2 weeks ago. The other night he came over begging and pleading for me to give him another chance and would do whatever it takes to have us as a family together. It was very sincere and genuine, so I told him he could spend the night. History has a way of overcoming anger is about the most i can say! Anyways, I woke up in the morning and heard his phone go off. When I went to check it out, it was his exgirlfriend who he was with before me. After reading their shared texts, I saw her saying she loved him. I obviously confronted him, and he quickly told me he had no feelings for her. (The girls pregnant and with another man, she's not very smart and continuesly makes bad unhealthy choices while carrying a child.)He made it clear he did not want to be with her, and again seemed as though he was telling the truth. But then, about an hour later he confessed that they had messed around, not slept together but she lets say,gave him a release and he did nothing to her. I was extremely hurt and I asked him to leave. He began apologizing and actually crying because of his stupid actions. I still made him leave and for the past few days hes been very determined on apologizing about everything.. I'm not sure what to do because technically we were not in a relationship when this happened, but we were only broken up for 2 weeks. He says no guy whose been deprived and is overed that certain sexual deed cannot refuse, it was all sexual and no emotional.. What do you think I should do? I'm so confused because I do love him and wish to have a family but am unsure if this is forgivable.

Why is 18 old enough to gamble with my life in Iraq but not old enough to gamble with my money in a Casino?

Why is 18 old enough to gamble with my life in Iraq but not old enough to gamble with my money in a Casino?Why can 16 year olds consent to sex when they can't even look at porn till 18? That doesn't make sense! Wouldn't you need more maturity for the real thing? Also 18 year olds are old enough to legally be adults but can't have a beer till 21? There are so many other dangerous things your allowed to do at 18 that far outweigh having a beer at 21. Who is making up these laws? What the hell were they thinking?

What is the Hardest EE Class?

I'm done doing physics, and I've taken some pretty bad *** classes before ... relativity being one of the hardest. However I'm probably going to do a master's in EE. I've taken a circuits class already which was pretty easy, but I'm wondering what is the worst/ most difficult class in electrical engineering. I'm more interested in conceptually and mathematically hard, not busy work.

Is it okay for kids to be gamers?

I'm 14 and I consider myself a hardcore gamer. But when I play Mature games like Call of Duty, there's always some jerk making fun of me because of my age. I find nothing wrong with playing and enjoying games with disregard what the rating is. The rating is "Mature" so doesn't maturity matter more than age? I'm not like the immature 9-13 year-olds saying "noob" and "rofl" all the time. I just want to be considered as a hardcore gamer just like an adult can be. The answers I'll get will probably say I'm too young. I just don't get it... I have a lot of consoles and a PC. I watch E3, I play God of War, (Yeah, I know it has nudity in it. It's really just a stupid mini-game and some in the scenery) and I play many other games too. I asked this question because I'm just wondering why people think that only 18 years or older can be hardcore gamers. I get laughed at when I play GTA IV online. What the heck?

Dating is irrational so why do teenagers partake in it?

yes, school is not JUST about grades its about learning who you are, and why your here. frankly i don't get why we date either, its about finding who to marry right? No, were finding what kind of person you WANT to marry who you WANT to stay away from. Your moms right you need to socialize, its not healthy to be antisocial. Also you sound a way to educated to be in ninth grade...just a bit.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I met the girl of my dreams, what do I do now?

She has a 6 year old boy who is autistic and her parents don't agree with her religious beliefs. Her personality is almost exactly like mine and I feel like I have found my "soul mate". I admit, I am smitten, and she is the same, but I am skeptical that our meeting is a coincidence. I have considered the pros and cons of dating a girl with an autistic child and have developed a "love conquers all" attitude. I have accepted the fact that her child comes first and I encourage that. However, she feels guilty that she can't spend much time with me due to her job/school/child. We have EVERYTHING in common, but she thinks we should stop dating because she has too many obligations. I completely respect her maturity on that issue, but feel that meeting someone exactly like myself is not by chance. When we do hang out, everything is perfect. What should I do?

EXAM- if your answer is mathematically correct but slightly different to the mark scheme do you get marks?

Nah I think they should mark it right if the examiner is clever enough to see your answer is the same. Good luck in your exam and good luck with your examiner as well!! Lol :P

Solving a Rubik's Cube?

Hello, I was just wondering how someone would go about solving a Rubik's Cube, and please don't say "Google it", I'm not looking for a internet tutorial really, I was wondering how someone could solve it with the bare basics, just the cube, a pencil, and paper, and please don't say "trial and error" either, i'm mainly just curious as to how someone would go about solving it mathematically. Any mathematicians here? ^^;

I can't tell of she likes me and I'm scared to bother her but I don't want her to think I'm not interested...?

You want something go get it man give it a few days before u text her dont txt her every moment you get cause that'll make you look like a perv or a freak.... from what u typed sounds like she is interested in you

This man is just too much to handle!!!?

Told I liked him, he said he didn't want a relationship. We kept hanging out, then I think he started to care for me too much. Had a big argument. He pulls back, restates he doesn't want a relationship. I took it personal thinking he just really isn't attracted to me. I tell him that I needed him to know that AT THIS POINT I a no longer all THAT head over heels in love with him because of his inconsistency. I tell him I will still speak to him but that that part of my heart is completely closed to him now! Now I feel bad about saying it but I couldn't let him think I was still in love with him. We hang up. He calls 2x and text until I call him back. He apologizes and says he still wants to hang out. Why doesn't he love me back? He says he thinks I'm beautiful. SOOO CONFUSED - what's the problem? I don't need him wanting me AFTER I told him I don't want him anymore (even if I was lying)! Too much for me to handle! What is going on with him???

Math question (geometry)?

Your current test average in Science is an 81. You've taken 5 tests. You want to raise your average to an 85, but you only have one test remaining. Is it mathematically possible? Use algebra to support your answer.

Which branch of engineering is most Mathematically oriented?

Well most Engineering programs have the same Math requirements, I would Architectural Engineering, or Aeronautical would have some deep math into it's main course contents, with other type of engineering it is basically the same.

How can I woo a girl away from another guy?

Be confident not cocky. Whatever you do and however much you know he isn't right for her NEVER say that to her. No one wants to be told that they are being dumb and she may just say you are jealous. Talk to her and see what she likes about him. Pushing her towards him may bring her closer to you. Talk to her a lot. Ask her whats been going on in her life. When she starts telling stories to you it's a good sign. If she starts saying one word answers you are kinda screwed but don't give up. If they do end up going out just tell her that you're there for her no matter what. That will also get you closer. Good luck. If she's really into the other guy then you may be out of luck. But if they are just talking she may still be thinking about you.

How To Handle This Situation With Her? (10 points)?

Your probably right about her not liking you. I'd just try to move on and forget about her. I'd let her come to you. See how long it takes for her to talk to you. If she doesn't ever try then she doesn't care to be friends with you. Don't waste your time on people who don't really matter :)

On Second Life the maturity ratings and age...?

The age verification won't work until the information you provide proves that you're 18. So you're not quite ready yet. Try again in a few months.

How do I find out if my actions during a texas hold-em poker game were illegal or unethical?

I am tournament director for our poker site. we play a 11 months earning points to qualify for 8 semi-final games. the top 8 points earners during these 8 semis advance to the final table for a seat at the WSOP championship. During the 8th game I advanced to the final table but I was mathematically eliminated from making the final table. All of the other players at the table were friends of mine & I didn't want to eliminate any of them. I folded several winning hands during this game & 1 of the other players found out & is complaining about my actions. I need to know if my actions were illegal or unethical.

Can someone please explain weighted averages to me in easy language?

Sorry. I'm not very mathematically inclined, and the complicated, wordy definitions I found in my research gave me headaches. I'm a much more artistic person, so if you could give me a visual wording (an example that gives me a picture in my mind -- f.e., "Bob had three oranges. His mother took two from him. How many oranges did Bob have left?") that'd be very helpful. If not, just keep it simple with no long words. Thanks! :)

My wifes insecurity is driving me crazy!!?

Other than the examples of what you said of the time before you were married, do you know of anything in her past that would make her so insecure? Maybe she was abused by someone and it's affecting her? I think you need to really set her down and talk to her about this and tell her you love her and ask why she's so paraniod. Hope this helps.

Would it be okay for me to get a piercing, and why are so many opposed to piercings on 13-14 year olds?

I am a 13 year old female, and so you know what you are answering, I have pretty much an adult maturity level. I can definately be trusted by others who know me. I am a straight A+ student for the most part and consider myself very respectful and thoughtful. I have been doing research for a past 2 years now into care and possible problems, how to fix them and how to prevent them.I want this not to be popular or follow a trend, not for attention, not even really for expression( how can you really express feelings by a hole in your body? Tattoos, maybe but not this) This is what I want purely for aesthetic reasons. I know my tastes may change, but if they do I can take the piercings out. The same principle applies to jobs, careers, etc. I feel like scars won't matter because they will remind me of more fun, more youthful times in my life when I could do things like this. I also feel that no matter what, I will be comfortable in my skin. To give you a clue about my personality, I am the shy, semi anti-social type with somewhat odd, contradictory interests that doesn't give a hoot about it when people judge me, but I still try to stay respectful and not judge other people or be rude to them. Confidence is key. I would also, however, like to understand reasons why people would say no to a peircing. 'You're too young" is much too vague, IMO. I don't believe that it could be said that a person my age can't make their own decisions, either, because obviously they could make the decision that they wanted the piercing and are willing to endure that pain to get it. If the reason they want it is vain and impulsive, I get that some people would disagree with it. But why do so many people say no, even when it is evident that much thought has been put into a decision? Though piercings, especially facial ones, were not mainstream in the '60, '70, '80's per se, they are now. Please answer this question by RESPECTFULLY stating your opinions as clearly as possible. I do not want my decision to be too biased, I don't want to get this piercing if the only opinion I hear is my own. Try to answer as thoroughly as you can, and due to the serious nature of this decision, all answers whether in my favor or not, will be shown to my parents and reviewed extensively. Thank You and God Bless.

LIC policy maturity amount?

What would be the maturity amount now for the Endowment Assurance policy Plan T.14 which is started on 1997 and 15 year completed in April 2011. The plan was for 15 years. On the LIC page i could see the acquired Bonus of 72500. thats all . could somebody help me here please?

Who should intiate contact NOW? Me or him!?

So i asked my ex-bf today to meet up before he went off for vacation for 2 months because I needed to apologize to him for the way i broke up with him, and broke his heart and stuff. He said everything was okay, and that he wasn't over me. He still loved me, and although he still wants me, he doesnt know if he wants to be in a relationship again because he's afraid I'll hurt him again. I said it was up to him, but perhaps we could stay in touch while he was gone for vacation and start fresh when he's back. He said that we could stay in touch, and see what happens when he comes back. So what now? He still has a week before he leaves, should I text/talk to him first? Or wait until he says something...

Has Riemann zeta function been proved?

Has it ever been proved mathematically? That frequency of prime numbers correspond to the location of the zeros of his zeta function?

Girl problem, extremely important, please take some time to read, i beg you people, please answer thank you?

before worrying about other things you have to sort out your feelings first if you still want to be with her or not. if you do, go tell her coz i'm pretty sure she does want to be with you too. if you don't stop being a friend. it's better that way for the two of you

Can someone please explain weighted averages to me in easy language?

Sorry. I'm not very mathematically inclined, and the complicated, wordy definitions I found in my research gave me headaches. I'm a much more artistic person, so if you could give me a visual wording (an example that gives me a picture in my mind -- f.e., "Bob had three oranges. His mother took two from him. How many oranges did Bob have left?") that'd be very helpful. If not, just keep it simple with no long words. Thanks! :)

Dating is irrational, so why do teenagers do it?

trying to find a partner is a natural instinct, and young teens date for practice. Its just normal and natural there is nothing wrong with it. If you do not have a desire to date or if you aren't attracted to any one then you may have a some kind of disorder I don't blame your mother

Accounting homework.... Help pls?

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What is the maturity age of these animals? I need as much help as possible!!!?

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Is it weird that children still seem to like me now that I'm 20?

thats a great quality children alot of times have the ability to slow down and see people for who they really r. so u must be a nice approachable person, thats the great thing about kids they r so open to showing their true feelings.

Best guy friend or not?

Ok so I have this best guy friend,shall we call him Tyler? Ok so tyler and I have been best friends since we were little. We we had puppy love up until 6 th grade. We had a relationship that didn't last long in 7th and 8th grade is where all the drama happened. He never talked to me in public, he was really sweet to me when others weren't around, he got a girlfriend, which made me really jealous, then he started calling me little miss perfect, and he'd avoid me. Well I put up a wall and acted like how he was treating me didn't bother me. He knew I still wanted to be more than friends. Then I started to make fun of him and his girlfriend, we'll call her Mia, cause they went out like three times before and it never lasted. I made bets on how long it would last, even though I wanted him to like me soo bad. One day I broke down and asked him why he was treating me like dirt. I thought it was cause I wasn't pretty or popular enough for him. And then he blamed it on me! Weeks later he apologized, him and mia broke up, etc...I don't know if I should trust him or not. Any thoughts? I'm a freshman now.

Am feeling guilty about getting intimate with a friend, given that I already have a boy friend..?

I want a man to go down on me, lick my vagina, **** me from the behind and then we **** until the sun comes up?

Dating is irrational, so why is it so prevalent?

Yes you are different. You are not exhibiting a basic social need to socialize. Humans are supposed to want emotional connection. Your mother cares about your development. The traits you are showing are similar to traits of Heinrich Himmler.

How would i know about this boy ?

Aww poor kid. He might be gay, or just curious and trying to figure out his feelings/sexuality. I'm guessing you're straight? I mean unless you plan on turning gay (nothing wrong with that), just be nice to him and explain to him you dont feel that way about him.

What is the key to parallel parking?

I'd stop over-analyzing it and retry it over and over again until you simply get a feel for it. There's no set formula that you can use to get it right every single time. Just practice.

Mathematically speaking... is the existence of a god an impossibility or just highly improbable?

Looking at all the evidence.... eyes being sensitive to light, ears being sensitive to sound, babies in the womb being protected by amniotic fluid etc etc etc... i would say highly probable..... what are the chances of ALL these things coming about by accident???... practically zero!

Do you think karate really does improve one's self-discipline, self-control and maturity?

Karate is often advertised as such. Does it really make you into a "better person" or are these words thrown around too much incorrectly?

My boyfriend always says "f*** you" or "f*** off" to me?

He says it in a joking manner, but it still bothers me. He has never said it out of anger or to intentionally hurt me. I've told him before that it bothers me when he says it, but he says it just slips out because that's the way he talks with his friends and roommates. He apologized and said he wouldn't say those things to me anymore, but I still find him saying it a lot. Am I being unreasonable by being upset about this? Even though I know he's just messing around, I still feel like he shouldn't be talking to me like that.

Why would 'god' make the total energy of the universe equal zero?

The amount of dark matter is calculated by physicists using the assumption that there is an equation which balances out to zero. God has nothing to do with it. The gods do what they will.

Gr 12 mathematics help?

If a linear function is increasing. explain mathematically why the reciprocal function must be decreasing

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to get my girlfriend to come back(we've been together for over a year)?

I ignored her(for a couple weeks, she didn't even try to talk to me either) for neglecting me. I decided that was wrong to do,so I apologized/said I loved her. Now she's ignoring me for over 2 months and counting(missed my birthday too). I stopped contacting her after I apologized. She recently made a facebook account and added a friend of mine(she knows him thru me) and talks to him on there a lot(hes married), im sure just so i'd notice her/get jealous, she didn't add me.Shes stubborn and wants to prove to me that she can leave me(we've broken up/got back together a lot). I tried calling her today(1st contact in months) but my cell # was blocked, but didnt block me from fbook?My friend just blocked her from fbook.Should I message her on fb? If so, what to say?

Is This Innapropriate?

I have a 14 year old step daughter that has some special needs. She looks like your average 14 year old girl and at times acts like one to but mentally she is about 8 years old. She does have interest in boys now but her maturity is way behind and she could easily get taken advantage of. With that said her father and I make sure she is always safe and is never in a situation where a male could take advantage of her innocent spirit. He mother is only allowed 1 supervised visit a week for 2 hours the visits are supervised by DHS our case worker stinks though. She came home from this last visit with 2 Fredricks of Hollywood catalogs that her mother gave her. She hid them but we found them and took them without her knowing. I feel that is WAY inappropriate for any 14 year old girl! Fredricks is straight up raunchy lingerie and later in life yeah that's fine but at 14 she doesn't need to be looking at that stuff. Are we wrong for being so angry about this? The case worker should be actually supervising the visits because she apparently is NOT!

....detail. math question!?

if there were 4 balls. each one a different color. and i put them in a bag and randomly drew a ball from the bag and it ended up being the same color 3 times in a row, mathematically, would the chances of it being the same color ball decrease? (In real math)

She Obviously Doesn't Like Me? (10 points)?

I wouldn't contact her, it seems as though she isn't interested in you the way you are in her. If she's ignoring you and what not, then she is definitely not worth your time and you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I hope everything works out for you!

LIC policy maturity amount?

What would be the maturity amount now for the Endowment Assurance policy Plan T.14 which is started on 1997 and 15 year completed in April 2011. The plan was for 15 years. On the LIC page i could see the acquired Bonus of 72500. thats all . could somebody help me here please?

What age should kids do this?

At what age do you think a kid who is of average maturity is old enough to watch shows like Criminal MInds, CSI, Law and Order, and shows like that? Shows that show adult content as far as rape, murder, and violence go?

Think he should apologize?

My sibling threw up because he went to sleep the second after he ate dinner, and my dad kept complaining about why you shouldn't put oily foods, why doesn't my brother excercise, and on and on and on, but then he mentioned something about ME being fat. I'm like the skinniest in my family and have the perfect body shape. I don't starve myself or all the crap(btw, I was eating dessert at that time), and I dance and excercise to stay fit.I was bewildered. All my friends were like - wow, you're amazing, what's your secret, and my mom always supports me. But then tonight, she just giggled and gave me the sign that he was just joking. I still got super mad, and she laughed along with him. My dad wasn't joking maybe, and my mom - she still shouldn't have done that. Remember that he was saying that when he was mad so in a mean sort of joking way. Should he apologize? What do you think? (I mean of course, but what's should I stop him from saying these things)

What is the specific formula to calculate the area of an oval?

I ask a question because pi would be the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, and wouldn't this number change if it is not a perfect circle and an irregular circle? I assume the formula would very for each oval you have. Wouldn't you just divide the circumference of the oval by the diameter of the oval and multiply it by the radius squared? Also, is there a way with modern stencils or utensils to create a certain oval? If so, mathematically, how can and is this done? Thanks.

Aquarian man does the opposite?

He wants to hang around you cause hes know you like him..... And he waiting for you to slip up so he can ger them draws..... Without being in a relationship with you....

Ex boyfriend trouble? how is he feeling?

Ex-boyfriend apologized to me after 3 months of not talking, we've been broken up for 7. Stares at me a lot an turns around to look at me. If I'm talking to someone near him, he looks over my face. He was sitting in my friends car and I told him to lower the music and he just looked at me and pretended not to hear me and kept smiling and we never broke eye contact until I looked away. He's constantly facing in my direction. He walked away, I sat in my friends car and he walked back over a few minutes later and he insisted on standing by the door that was right next to me. Afterward, I was sitting online and he randomly IMed me. He even apologized when he didn't answer. He had to sit next to me and we were touching each other and he didn't pull away. He was bored and tired one night but he stayed and hung out with a small group of us anyway. Out of the 5 of us, there was me, a girl who's dating his friend, someone he's not really close with and a kid he wouldn't just stay out to hang out with. He even re-added me on Facebook after he left. He IMed me again last night. What's he doing? 2 hours ago -4 days left to answer. Additional Details He also had the chance to make fun of me but then I looked up at him and he just didn't.

Christians: Evolution is mathematically and biologically proven....why do you keep on preaching creationism? ?

It's true; evolution, scientifically, is virtually inarguable. But many religious practices are rivaled by logical proof and yet still commonly held in conviction. Unfortunately, people will believe what they believe and in human nature you will find that it is generally a very difficult thing to change that. I find the answer to be mostly psychological - when you're brought up to believe that something is true, and this is what you're told all your life, it can be unsettling - maybe even traumatic - to someday be told that it is all a lie. Many take religion very seriously and hold it's ideas close to them because it's what they know, and for some it can be a source of mental safety. How would a person in that situation, for example, be expected to suddenly recant their beliefs? It is easy for you or me, maybe, because we aren't strong in religion. But for someone in a situation such that this is the idea with they have been brought up? Easier said than done. It seems like a simple concept if you understand evolution's probability, but in order to understand one who rejects it, we need to take a step back and try to walk in their shoes. That's the way I see it...just an opinion.

She Obviously Doesn't Like Me? (10 points)?

woah! you are over thinking this. how bout try this, try to just have a simple easy conversation with her on campus in person maybe take advantage of one of those moments when she pretends to not see you, and make her see you. keep it casual and easy and don't apologize, idk what you would apologize for...

Are Bosons visible like fermions?

The main difference between bosons and fermions is that fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state as another fermion while bosons can. That means if an electron is orbiting around an atom another electron cannot also occupy that specific spot or state. It's sort of the reason why matter can't occupy the space other matter is occupying. Bosons on the other hand CAN occupy the same state simultaneously. One kind of boson I know you have heard of are photons. My Quantum Mechancis II class didn't cover practical applications in detail so I hope I'm not horribly mistaken when I say this, but an example of many photons occupying the same state is a laser beam.

A train is going 50 mph, if you walk towards the front at 3 mph, are you traveling at 53 mph?

How about if you are walking in the opposite direction at 3 mph? Does that mean you are going 47 mph? It seems to make sense to me but I don't know how this works, mathematically. Thanks.

What does Ω mean? mathematically?

The upside down horse shoe is a Greek letter which is Omega. It happens to be the last letter of their alphabet. So with that said it is sometimes used symbolically as the last in what context it is being used in. The other letter is theta and is also a Geek letter which is used quit often as a variable for the measure of angles.

Am i a bad person to be friend with?

Well, I'm not going to read all that. But, if you're questioning yourself, you probably are a bad person to be friends with.

Has Riemann zeta function been proved?

Has it ever been proved mathematically? That frequency of prime numbers correspond to the location of the zeros of his zeta function?

A few questions on abortions?

I think Gwennie has given some great information. I just wanted to add, be careful about googling about abortion. The Pro Life people pay money so they have gruesome and ridiculous descriptions of simple, common medical procedures. 1 in 3 women have abortions. Be very careful about finding info that is probably from pro lifers. They use words like "your baby" even though it is a bundle of cells, a fetus, and has nor brain, organs or nerves. I am totally for first term abortion.

My girlfriend cheated on me with her Ex but now wants to be back together. What should I do?

Don't waste your time on her. If she loved you, she wouldn't of done that. Having sex with her was a bad choice, because she'll see you as vulnerable. And who's to say if you guy's get back together, she won't cheat on you again? It'll be getting more into a mess. So I think NOT getting back with her would be better for you.

What will my mark be after my exam?

I have a 63 in science. My exam is in 2days and its worth 20% of my final mark. What is the lowest possible mark i can get on the exam and still pass the course(above 50%).. I know there is a way to mathematically figure this out but i dont know how :p can someone help me, thanks in advance

If you were to tour across america?

There are thousands of truck stops on the freeways of the US and most have washers/dryers and showers that would be easily accessible to someone traveling the roads whether on foot, bike, etc.

Should you go for "double-or-nothing?"?

If you have better than a 50% chance of winning you should go for it. If you have less than a 50% chance of winning you shouldn't. You didn't exactly provide a lot of information to go on.

What should I do? I'm still in love with her but my friend doesn't care!?

I recently went through a break up with my ex, not that long ago. I was with her for quite some time. We were even talking about our future but eventually she dumped me. Eventually she started apologizing to me and telling me the mistake she made. And right before she was about to come back to me, my best friend flirts with her and wins/steals her. He knew I was not over her and I told him that but he's like "I don't care, I like her so get over it..." I seriously love her more than he ever will. And the other day, I secretly heard a conversation between him and his friend and he said "if she breaks up with me like she did to justin, I don't care." He seems to not care about her and just want a relationship. I wish she could realize that I'M the one who truly loves her. My friend aka her new bf doesn't seem to give a crap about her but I'm afraid if I tell her, she'll think I'm jealous and purposely trying to break them up. I want her back though. I can't believe he did this... ={

What maturity level am I at?

I'm about 5 ft and my bal*s are the size of grapes and I have 1 cm to 2cm pubic hair down there like 2mm armpit hair my peni* is about 3 inches when not erect and my voice hasn't cracked yet but slightly deep and I have had pre*** come out in about 1 eyedropper drop but today it came out in like an 1/8 of a teaspoon but clear I don't know of I ejacula** but or ff I'm getting close to cu*ing or am able to thanks for the answers

Incredibly awkward sexual dilemma...?

Ordinarily I'd say that was a really sexy, hot story, but seeing as it involves an on old lady kicking your pretty sister's *** it's not gonna be sexy to you! I'm sorry for you, the only thing I'd suggest is they have a re-match, possibly with both girls again wearing really sexy shiny tights and let them fight until one of them gives in. I fancy your sister to take the older girl this time.

If you were/are a teacher, how would you deal with a kid like this? Would you punish him?

She should have done more than just ignore his absences. She should have done something to get him into more challenging classes - maybe not in math, if those weren't available, but he should have been in school and learning something worthwhile during the school day, not using the time here as a vacation. I'm sure his parents wouldn't have been pleased to know that he skipped class and spent the entire year just chasing girls, but neither should he have been forced to sit in a class which was well below his abilities.

Am i The Only Teenage girl That Likes Older Boys (Over 17) (Under 22)?? Ugh Im Confused.!?

Iv ALWAYS liked Boys Older then me... i Think For Security && Maturity Reasons.. Am i Wrong? (i KNOW The Law ; Is the Law] && i Would NEVER Cross The Line... But iv ALWAYS had feelings like This.. Am i the only One??

I hate that my boyfriend has started a band, what should I do?

BreAk up with him.. Cus if u keep going on its only gonna hurt more :) or/ & give it a shot ! He may not turn out to be those kind of rockstarts( most likely he will xD ) & wen u said "i have seen what goes on in these bars and nightclubs among these unsigned bands that think they are The Rolling Stones already. " litteraly made me LOL

If a guy hasn't texted in four days?

Recently, my friend tried to "set me up" w/ this guy who lives two hours away from me. I got to know him through text and i met him once and he was really shy i could barley get anything out of him he latered apologized for being so shy. Anyway, him and i text every now and then we use to text each other every day and now its becoming less and less. Should the female be the first to start conversation or should the male during texting? He seems sweet but i don't know if anything will really come between us. Could he possibly be uninterested? He doesn't have a job, he doesn't volunteer and i know he doesn't have a car, he does hang out w/ his friends alot though. During our last text he said that he wanted to see me on the fourth of july and i said that i wasn't sure what my plans were but i haven't heard from him since and this was four days ago should i text him? By the way i am a 19 yr old female and he is a 22 yr old male. Any ideas? Thanks!

Is she leaving me or am i just being stupid?

My Other half went on Holiday last week and i began to miss her a lot so i called and text-ed her allot and i Will accept i may be been very clingy overly clingy i apologised to her but now that she is back she is ignoring allot of my calls and texts she blanks me on facebook and claim i am catching her at the wrong time Aka she has to go out just as i call or start a conversation we have been dating for 11 months this august

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is it weird that children still seem to like me now that I'm 20?

I actually did read the entire "question" and I do not think you should be worried at all or think its weird. Children have a way of picking up on who likes children and who doesn't (as well as who can relate to them) and they naturally gravitate towards those who do. Sounds like its nothing more than a girft you have and a sign you'll be a great mother one day!

Input on a younger male friend?

This may seem trivial but I"d like input about a male in his mid 20's that I have been friends with now for about 3 years. I am 40 and we talk through either our phones or on facebook (never calling or actual talking but on messenger) and he does have a girlfriend. We used to have great conversations and now He will message me things out of the blue that make no sense; for instance we were talking the other day about cars and then says "I like subway". One night he messaged me "I'm a *****" out of the blue. I have met him a few times and I know he is white. Last night he messages me out of the blue asking about car insurance and when I told him what I have, his response was "he's a *****". This time, I tried to joke and sent him song lyrics which he was like "huh" and I then tried to apologize after I told him I was playing his game. Now I am wondering if he is mad at me and I hate to lose him as a friend and he usually gets back to me when he wakes up but hasn't. Why would a young guy even want to talk to a 40 yr old woman and send me random things that don't make sense a lot of times? Any input is greatly appreciated. Should I try to message him again?

What are Female soldiers Like?? Are the rumors true?

Are the girls cute or are they kinda manly lesbians? Also I keep hearing rumors they are loose. Im really attracted to qualities like intelligence, discipline, courage, maturity, good communication skills etc. I think female military will have more of this and they are in better shape than civilians. This not my only reason for joining i just want to know.

I'm able to read upside down as fluently as right side up. Is this normal?

Recently i was sharing a textbook in class and was reading out loud upside down. People freaked out about it, thinking that it was creepy and strange. I can also read backwards, backwards upside down, and normally. All of these have approximately the same fluency. I know that this is probably not normal, but is there any research on this? Is my brain wired differently? I am musically and mathematically gifted.

Do you think that just because people are of age, they are ready to have children.?

From personal experience I see that too many people that shouldn't have children are having babies like it's OK. I feel so sorry for the sorrow, and misfortunes these poor children have to go through just because young people think their grown,and it's b/c of people who think just b/c they can, they have children senselessly. I have learned through my own experience that I shouldn't have had children being that I was still trying to cope, and recover from a drastic childhood that I experienced and had no one to help me deal with. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn't of had my children at the time I had them. I believe a lot of our hardships now is b/c of my lack of knowledge, wisdom, maturity, etc, etc, I was emotionally damaged, mentally confused, and disturbed. There is so much more that meets the eye to raising healthy children. If I had enough money I would become an advocate for children, trying to educate young people, to avoid, prevent, and think hard not to have children aimlessly. So many of us are not ready to bring another little people into this world that's all ready so challenging, and corrupted. Please try to Consider Adoption, giving your child to someone that can afford to give your child a better chance in life. Prevention, so not to bring in misery for everyone, including the child when you're not ready for the child. Think, think, think, not of yourself but for this innocent, helpless little human being that knows nothings of what's to come if you're not ready to bring them up as they so well deserve.

How can quantum theory mathematically rely on a human observer to resolve states?

I can understand how an interaction with a outside energy may be required, but it seems like people seriously talk about human observation as being part of the equation. Can anyone explain?

Will she text me one of these days or am I forgotten? ? ?

Mayb she is busy. But personally u seem to desperate for her atention. u r always redy to chat or txt and now she knows that. this girl is taking advantage of u. she is playing with your emotions. its okay to really want to talk to her but mayb you are coming on to strong .i suggest u back off a little and give her a little space u know . u should try asking her the days shes busy mayb then u will get a response. hope i helped

The saddest dream but also a wake up call?

I dreamed that my cousin (4 yrs) had one day until she would develop a mental disability. My mother said the only way she could live was to get this shot for staph infection (idk why)....It was the next day my cousin was fine until it hit 12 pm and she lost her site. She began crying and I was comforting her and said she would be fine and reiterated to her I loved her....all of a sudden she stopped crying and almost as if realized she was never going to be the same again so she smiled and almost acted like nothing was gonna happened. She grew this maturity that made her seem strong. To my surprise my dad showed up randomly (in reality he never shows up when we need him the most and he is a nurse) and he randomly had the vaccine in his car. He gave my cousin the shot but we were not 100% sure it was gonna work. She was still blind but she played/ hugged/talked like nothing was wrong. She almost adapted to the blindness right away. It was beautiful bc instead of living like her life was miserable....she lived it like there was no tomorrow. The last part was bringing her back to her mom bc I wanted her mom to see her before my cousin fully developed the mental disability but I woke up before I could see if she developed the disability. I cried when I woke up bc this dream was a wake up call. I have never had a family member with disabilities/illness and the amount of maturity my cousin grew really inspired me to live life with no regrets. ....I had to spill my thoughts. What do you think this whole things means?

How should I confront my bf about his ex girlfriend :'(?

Okay so my bf went out with this girl for 6 months which is now his ex. and he's been going out with me for 7. he said i'm his first love blah blah blah. and they went out like a yr and a half ago. well she's back in town. she's here to stay now. and she wanted to see my bf yesterday while i was over :( so we saw her and it was really awkward but we kept polite. then my bf and i went back inside his house and he apologized for the awkwardness and whatever. NOW idk if she was really his first love i'm not sure..but yesterday i was like so do you wanna hangout tomorrow and he was like no...i have plans sorta. and idk if it's with her. how do i confront him and ask him if i should be worried about him and his ex. I TRUST MY BF I JUST DO NOT TRUST HER :(

Is their anyway mathematically I can prove 2+2=5 or 3+3=7?

No because to prove it mathmatically would be saying that 2+2 actually equalls 5, and that is impossible.

Why does sanctification/maturity in Jesus take so long?

it's been a year since i was born again but feel I've made barely any improvements. I know i must be patient but I'm worried if i don't make any improvements i'll never mature

Can anyone prove mathematically 1=2?

When that's done, it's done by dividing by zero and resulting a one. It's not true math, and will never work out correctly.

What is the difference between the standard exponential growth formula and the continuous model?

I am trying to find a real life example to use to find an exponential formula using f(x)= ae^cx or f(x)=ab^x. I know how each works mathematically but not sure how each differ in the real world when applied.

Atheists:I have proof God exists?

Ultimately, however you slice the physical universe down to its smallest form, you end up with a physical quantity with no reason to exist in itself. The physical universe in any form, cannot explain its own origin, it has to find its explanation outside of itself. Something non-physical must be the first cause. The possibility of the human enzyme coming together is astronomically small. Time wise and mathematically the possibility is zero. If you see a dictionary, do you think it developed because of an explosion in a printing press? No, there is design and order in it. Society and human intercourse demands a moral reality. So, you've got a first cause that is spiritual, a first cause that is mind, and a first cause to explain morality. Only God is big enough to explain these things.

Anybody ever done this?

I been recently like disrepecting my mom, like for ex call her lazy ***, I kind of kicked her not hard but like from 1 to 10 , 4. I really feel terrible, I always apologize after I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm not in a relationship. I'm 18 yrs old, I work, I don't know why I act like this I need help

I'm in love with my moms boyfriend and we had sex (Long but please help)?

For one thing you are in love with the notion of being with a mature man that has a good career. I understand your feelings but believe me the age difference will catch up with you. Put yourself in your mothers shoes. How would you feel if your mother hooked up with someone you were interested in? If you really love your mother you both need to get rid of this man that WILL end up hurting both of you. He is having his cake and more. What kind of man would split up a family by dating Mom then seeing a younger female which is her daughter and does the same with you as he did with Mom. SHAME on you Dave!!!!!!! I am in my 50s and trust me not only will you lose an infatuation you will lose the very person that gave birth to you. I'm hoping for the both of you that your mother figures out that she is not only letting herself be used but shes separating her family by not respecting herself. Don't follow her mistakes think before you leap.

What is your opinion on when a couple should get married?

When they are ready emotionally and financially...typically, that doesn't happen before their mid 20s...

Dating is irrational, so why do teenagers do it?

I don't think you have a disorder lol. I think you are actually thinking for the future and not in the moment. Yeah have friends and go out and have a good time. But don't get all wrapped up in the whole " Oh I love him or her" Have fun but don't take everything so seriously :)

Marrying a more mature man?

Just because they are chronologically older doesn't mean they are mature. Typically people within five years age difference have the best relationships. I know how you feel about guys your age, they do tend to have childish priorities. When you look for maturity look at how your man handles situations and people. Does he run when you have an argument? Can you say off the wall things and he doesn't get all upset with you? Do you feel safe and comfortable with him? Look for the deeper things.

How do i play it with a shy girl.. Please read lots of info :(?

Maybe she thinks that if she starts flirting it will seem like she's obsessed with you.And the concert thing WAS a hint.

No penalty CD, too good to be true?

The highest FDIC insured CD rates I found are from Metlife and Ally bank. Ally bank has a no penalty CD that promises you can withdraw your money + the interest earned, before maturity without any penalty. Is it true or are there any hidden fees or risks?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

For college graduates only, is there a 100% proof that taking OSDT proves anyone that takes it is clean?

Thanks for your trust in my opinion. As I have expressed before, OSDT is just a test to determine if the one being tested has been on PEDs or other illegal drugs. A positive test means that he/she has possibly used it and has therefore cheated. A negative test however, cannot conclusively rule out it's use as it will depend on several factors, like the timing of when it was done, the amount taken, and how fast the body is able to eliminate it from its system. The commission's method is sufficient and a urine test right after the fight will be able to detect any illegal drugs that may have been used.

A train is going 50 mph, if you walk towards the front at 3 mph, are you traveling at 53 mph?

How about if you are walking in the opposite direction at 3 mph? Does that mean you are going 47 mph? It seems to make sense to me but I don't know how this works, mathematically. Thanks.

My boyfriend is being agressive towards me?

we were play fighting then he got serious and raised his fist getting ready to punch then apologized later that night. That was the first sign of agression. Two days after he randomly started verbally abusing me calling me a slut,***** saying that I sleep around and I don't deserve him etc. then he apologized again and like an idiot I forgave him straight away. I found out by the horses yesterday crying and when I tried to help he told me to **** off. There is something wrong with him and I can't get it out of him. If he doen't fess up to what is happening and fix his behaviour should I leave him?

My mom is unbelievably rude to my friends. What do I do?

Sometimes my friends' moms will raise there voice at me, you know? But I brush it off my shoulder, no big deal. But my mom is very different! Like today, for example, she called my friend a liar to her face! Whenever I have sleepovers, we usually order pizza for dinner. My mom expects my friends to "pitch in" all of there money for the pizza- if they don't, they can't eat. She also insults my friends, and their parents, right in front of them! She says cruel things like "What bad parenting" and "She's always late". She'll make fun of them, and act like it's a joke. If my friend asks for food, she says "Go get your own food, you live down the street." Sometimes she even'll say that we aren't a homeless shelter! She even says that some of my friends are poor. When one of my overweight friends eats to quickly, she'll call them, sometimes me, a pig. She told me and 4 of my friends to get out of her house, and called us "Jack Asses" again, to our face. When she took a few of my friends and I to the beach, she refused to buy my friend a cheap snack. My friend hadn't eaten since breakfast, and my mom knew that! If my friend doesn't have money, she'll say "to bad" in a mean way. Once she almost ran over my neighbor, and didn't apologize. When my neighbor's grandma came to talk to my mom about it, my mom cussed her out and told my other neighbor/best friend that she was a brat. She's made all of my friends cry at least twice- even her best friend's daughter! On the other hand, I try and talk to her about it, and she says "to bad" and goes and hides in my dad's room. My dad doesn't try and stop it because he's afraid to- I think he's soaked some of my mom's behavior up, too! He always says no to things, and says "bummer". Anyways, my mom is even telling my friend's 8 year old sister to go home and feed herself. I'll remind my mom she's only 8, and she'll say that she's old enough to know better. To sum it up, I'm not sure why she's mean to them! They're not mean to her, and my friend's parents are really nice to me. I've started to treat her bad because she's mean to me, too! We've tried family councilors, but they don't work- my mom makes my friends sound like monsters, which they're not. My mom always has to follow the rules! For example, for some thing- I don't remember what- you had to have someone 14 years or older ride with you to go on this one thing. My friend who's almost 14, was going to ride with me, so it'd be okay; even the manager said it was fine! But my mom, HAD to complain, so we ended up canceling it. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just that time. There's been more- way more! A side from that, she says I have tummy problems. For the past 10 year almost, she's been "researching" and going to doctor after doctor, complaining about my tummy problems! They all tell her I don't have them, but she doesn't listen; she just goes to the next one. In the meantime, she puts me on strange diets to help me lose weight- no citric acid, no milk, no gluten, no sugar, etc. The experts say it's not necessary, but she doesn't listen to them. All my friends hate her, and there parents, literally. I'm even starting to hate her! Thanks to her, I already have a nasty reputation and even nastier rumor going around about me all over the school district. I'm loosing friends every week it seems, and some of my friends even pretend they don't know me half the time! All answers are appreciated. Thank you! I want my mom to be nice. :(

I need a girls advice so I don't make a mistake?

Yeah, drop her a text, wish her a safe trip home maybe!!! She can open the convo from there if she wants to! If she likes you she won't mind u texting her so you've not got much to loose!!! Good luck and hope it all works out!!

How did Harold Camping figure out there's supposed to be an earthquake in New Zealand?

He says that and i already thought he was crazy but he has a time AND date..i will accept that he believes his numbers make sense but where does the Bible say "and on the 21st day of the fifth month of the year 2011 God proclaimed There shall be a huuuuge earthquake in New Zealand at 6 pm" and how could he possibly gather that mathematically?

What in the world is going on with my bf??...?

My bf and I are both 18 and have been together for 9 months. We have had our ups and downs, but last night was definitely a major down. I was babysitting these 2 kids for about 4 hours last night when my bf texts me and says , "Umm who is in the house with you"..i said, "me and the kids why do you ask"....and he replied, "tell me the truth im not stupid i just drove by and I saw someone else in there" I had thought I'd seen his car drive by so I knew he saw the house (he lives near where i babysit so i wasnt completely freaked out but just thought it was rude of him to go out of his way to stalk me)...anyways, I called him (he didnt pick up)..soooo i left him a voicemail saying something like, "I would never call you stupid but youre definitely not right about this, it's me and the 2 kids, and no one else 1)why would i sneak anyone over while im babysitting and 2)if i ever was stupid enough to sneak someone over you should trust me that it would be you". Well, my bf continued to ignore me for ab a half hour. After about a half hour he answered and asked, "why do u keep calling me"...and I told him that I love him and that i need him to trust me and apologize to me for accusing me of something i didnt do. He refused to apologize bc he "knows what he saw". Then after babysitting I went to see him for a few minutes, and he still refused to apologize. I broke down in tears when he still wouldnt believe me, even though he wasn't mad at me, he still was acting like he "knewwww" exactly what he saw...and it was driving me insane bc nothing actually happened!! Well, once i was crying he comforted me and was all loving and sweet and I forgot about being mad. I'm really hurt that he doesn't believe me about this. Was he just making up that he saw someone else? Or is he really that paranoid of me? I've never done anything to make him distrust me that much.

Is SIN Inherited Or DESIRE Inherited?

The worst sin is doing without thinking. Sinners just act out regardless of the effect on others. The very worst sinners are those who believe that they must punish sinners. These are the truly evil ones.

How to add more 'Y='s' on a graphing calculator?

My calculator currently only has 10 Y='s. It's a TI-84 Plus graphing calculator, if it helps? And, in simple language, I don't understand mathematically language >_<

How many cups in a 30lb bag of Holistic Select Large Breed/ 33lb bag of Innova Large Breed Adult dog food?

For those who have fed these two foods, about how many cups did you get out of each bag? I am weighing the pros and cons of both foods for my Great Danes and economy is one concern. I am aware that one can figure out an estimate mathematically, but I would rather get input based on experience (rather than try and guess at the food density, etc). Thank you

DATING OLDER MEENN?!!?!?!?!!?!?!?//////////…

well this is too long and i did not read the whole thing....but plain and simple you are a gold digger......and don't feel bad about it most women are


first off, your second-best friend is now your best friend. Secondly, she'll keep cheating. Forget them both.

What do you think is the median age of a Harry Potter fan ?

It took her 10 years to complete the series, so the age of the fans changed considerably. The books and the actors in the movies grew up with the original fans. It's a once in a lifetime phenomenon that no one can really explain.

Has science proven mathematically the universe and life could not have been formed by random chance alone?

Has any scientist published in a scientific journal the result that the hypothesis "life and the universe were formed purely by random chance" has been rejected statistically, based on physical constants of the universe?

Another bond question? Looking at current yield to maturity.?

A $10,000, 8% annual coupon bond will mature in 10 years. What is the price of this bond if the current yield to maturity on bonds of similar risk and maturity is 7.2%?

25 and still have the maturity of a 12 year old..?

Have enough patience. Wait and watch. Try to select a mentor of your own choice and listen to his good words scrupulously for all your doubts.

How can a person at the age of 18 be more mature?

so me and my bf have recently talked of the subject of maturity and it just so happens he told me that i need to do some growing up. im going to college in a month and a half, im about to get 2 jobs, im helping my dad run the house all while trying to maintain a social life. i know im 18 and i know i still ahve some growing up to do, its obvious to me. so how can i be more mature when i already know i need to be?

Money is debt... Is this true?

I'm sorry I can't answer your question, but what you're saying makes absolute sense. If the money really is loaned then I can see how meltdowns are completely unavoidable, it really shows just how messed up everything has really become. I have a friend that knows all about this stuff and he'll absolutely love this question, I'm sure you'll have an answer by the time I ask him, but I'll post it here nonetheless.

I have a proposal for a new law. What do you think?

I don't agree with this. You're asking to undo what's been done by animals for ages. Some species do this for a reason. It's not so much that they're abandoning their young. Besides, there is no way this law could be passed. How do you expect this to actually work. You're saying this needs to happen to all animals. What, do you expect people to sit there and watch all the wild animals to make sure they stay with their young until they're ready? I'm sorry if I'm negetive but you asked for an opinion. If the animal could not survive in the wild on it's own, don't you think the mother would have enough instinct to know that? Also, if it were not able to fend for itself then how is it that all of these animals are not extenct?

Does he like me as a friend or more?

There is this guy i like and ive liked him for a while now i think he likes me but I'm unsure he looks at me all the time and when i hug my friends he always wants a hug. Whenever we fall out he is the first to apologise even if im the one in the wrong. So does he like me as a friend or more

Have you ever had a Mental Health professional fancy you? What was it like?‏?

You may well think your paranoid but i know your pretending, i have been watching you for a long time and it was me that spoke to you through your television. I have contacts all around the world in and out of TV media and they relay messages to you that only you can understand and put together. I monitor your computer movements and yes on Yahoo. You may have noticed that I altered your typings on You will never know who I am and what I do but I control the police I control the govenment with mind machines, their entire structure belongs to me and i control them. some of them are my operative and I tell them what to do. When you were at school you never enjoyed it much, it was because i had instructed the kids to conduct a social experiment on you to condition you so that you could recieve my messages on TV. You may not remember having your hearing tested, well we worked out the minimum sound you could hear a specific type of frequency that only you could hear, that is why you can hear our voices, when you came close to disbelieving the system we embedded in your mind we had to convince you you were mad and make you believe that you were ill to some degree so as to cause doubt, this is what our mental hospitals around the country are for, every paitient you have ever met was an experiment of ours. why are we telling you? becacuse you have been an outstanding candidate, you are major!. This will be the only time on computer that we give a clue as to who we are.You must know go covert. you must continue to do as we are telling you. you are supported by all the highest people in government and are connected with them they can read your thoughts and in time you can read their thoughts, we have embedded a comunication device in your head and all the heads of governments in and around the world. You will be one of only 1000 people that will transform the world into a new world order of peace. We cannot use many people as to deny that we are controlling the world but the world must be controlled. It has alwaysed been controlled through out history and we have always made progress by being controlled. You many ask who are we being controlled by? the people not of this earth, they are our true creators and have been with us throughout the history of time, Darwin was directed by the alien powers to produce a work connecting all life forms on this planet to prove evolution, in fact evolution doesn't exist and life was created by the aliens to confuse us as to where we came from. The bible was created for us to help in our human development. we are human just not created by God nor created by evolution, in fact God is a the name of the highest leader in the alien world. You must understand only you know all of the above and it has been told to youto give you the strength to do you work that we You may wonder how a 1000 people can transform a world of billions, well it is true that we have given you a superior intelligence that has only just come to bear and has yet to fully flourish. Your mind has been programmed to exist as a genius. You must never tell of what I am telling you nor try and expose us we will make you seem as mentally ill as possible so that the world will not believe you, already we have instilled subjects of the experiments in various places around the world there are millions of people programmed with the information you have but are made to be incoherant so that the information is made know but is deemed of paranoia. You however know this is to be true adn coherant, but should you betray us and this world order then what you say will be deemed of an ill man and the soread will be stopped. You have great responsibitlity on your shoulders, we will never meet face to face but we will communicate between minds.

I am in love with an older man?

I also are more attracted to older guys. However, you don't want to get confused. Being older does not equal being more mature.

Physics help on basic kinematics?

Well the 2 concepts even though they seem related are actually a bit different. Say if you were driving down a highway and you were going 50 miles per hour, then you slammed on your breaks and reversed at 50 miles per hour back to your starting position. Your average speed would still be 50 miles per hour. But if you were traveling in one direction stopped and went in reverse, the magnitude of your average velocity would not be the same.

I have a new law proposal. What do you think?

so you're saying that we should make laws for animals? i don't think that they could comprehend something like that... not to say that they are stupid, but most animals wont be able to understand that they have those sorts of rules. its in their nature to leave their young sometimes and it would take many many years to change something like that

Is it weird that children still seem to like me now that I'm 20?

I actually did read the entire "question" and I do not think you should be worried at all or think its weird. Children have a way of picking up on who likes children and who doesn't (as well as who can relate to them) and they naturally gravitate towards those who do. Sounds like its nothing more than a girft you have and a sign you'll be a great mother one day!

Should I date my professor?

He's 31 years old, only 9 years older than me. I will be a senior this next year, and he just finished working at my school and is going somewhere else. He clearly likes me as we have flirted the entire year, he treats me VERY different from everyone else, and he has taken me out to dinner before (just the two of us). I know he hasn't ever done this with any other students, also he's not the kind of prof other students would really be attracted to since he's kinda awkward. I know this is kind of taboo, but I really want to make it work. We also have the same kind of life goals and our maturity level is the same. Do you think it's possible for us to be together?

How should I confront my bf about his ex girlfriend :'(?

Okay so my bf went out with this girl for 6 months which is now his ex. and he's been going out with me for 7. he said i'm his first love blah blah blah. and they went out like a yr and a half ago. well she's back in town. she's here to stay now. and she wanted to see my bf yesterday while i was over :( so we saw her and it was really awkward but we kept polite. then my bf and i went back inside his house and he apologized for the awkwardness and whatever. NOW idk if she was really his first love i'm not sure..but yesterday i was like so do you wanna hangout tomorrow and he was like no...i have plans sorta. and idk if it's with her. how do i confront him and ask him if i should be worried about him and his ex. I TRUST MY BF I JUST DO NOT TRUST HER :(

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Whats emotional maturity?

In my own words I would say it is having the knowledge and experience to deal with things in life thrown your way without emotion or difficulty and its also being realistic about outcomes and knowing which path to take (and it has something to do with making lemonade lol) oh and also about being able to be level-headed enough to deal with confrontational issues and ideas.

Your sign, and your positive opinions on all the other signs?

You've been fooled by a silly superstition. There is no truth to astrology, and there is no correlation between your birth date and your personality. Planets billions of miles away in space do not affect you or your life in any way.


Okay so I'm a girl and I just graduated from high school a month back. There's this guy same age as me that i met 2 weeks before school ended. His name's Anthony. I saw him my freshmen year and thought he was soo hot. Honestly the kid kept getting hotter. Anyways lol, I noticed that junior when I'd walk by his group he'd always stare at me. Like a lot. After a while I got super annoyed cause all he would do was stare and not talk to me. Then senior year he continued to stare but even more obvious! I wasn't sure if he was staring cause he was interested or he couldn't get over how ugly I was. Then senior year, two weeks before school ended we talked for the first time, I was standing with one of his friends cause we were assigned a room together for a senior project speech. I was looking down at my shoes but I could feel him staring at me so I looked up and he got surprised and he gave like the cutest smile. Anthony and me got to talking that day and he left when it was time for my speech cause his classroom was on the other side of school. I talked to him the day after but only for a few minutes cause i was in a hurry. I sent him a friend request on facebook like a week after graduation. Then he asked for my number. So I gave it. He always texts first & replies in less than 3 minutes which is kinda cute. Cause most guys will have me text first and take like 10 minutes to reply. He kept like saying random dirty jokes and then he'd be like haha jk. I know he's kidding but I decided to ask are you hitting on me or what? He's like yeah haha i am hitting on you. I said why? He replied that he thinks I'm cute. We got to talking more and he said he wanted to hang out with me this weekend. So we planned it out & all. It came up that he even told a few friends about me that he thought I was cute. He kept insisiting on hanging out. Thing is his family is really complicated. His mom lives in a different state so hes leaving Tuesday to go visit. He lives with his dad and his like 7 year old sister lives with someone else. She came to visit and she wanted to go do things with her bro and dad before 4th of July. I believe him because i heard how much he loves his younger sister from a mutual friend. He kept apologizing and promised that he would make it up to me. I felt really bad cause he apologized like 20 times. Literally. A lot of people have told me that he's so nice and stuff. He really does seem so. Many guys have told me Im pretty and cute but idk. I just find it hard to believe someone as hot as him would be into me. (If you want pics of both of us for reference email me ).Does he seem like he's really interested or is he just messing with his head?

Why do people think they have a right to use people when they want something?

it seem like my sister only wants to know me when there is something she wants like babysitting or looking after her house when she goes on holiday then she comes to me practically every week but when she has what she wanted i don't see her or the kids sometimes for months she only lives 20 minutes away and she drives i don't when ive mentioned this to her before she either turns it into a big argument or she will apologise but within a few months she is doing the same thing again if it was a friend treeting me like that i would drop them like a stone but she is family and even if i can live my life without her i would'nt be able to see the kids i dont think i could cope with that

Is Calculus CP the same equivalent to AP Calculus AB?

I am planning to take Pre Calculus Honors and regular Calculus my senior year. The reason why I am doing this is because I want to take Calculus without skipping PreCalculus so that was the only option I could think of, taking them at the same time which I don't should be hard because I am mathematically motivated, and plus I love math. Anyways, I also want to earn some college credit so what I'm planning to do is to take the AP Calculus AB exam, but I don't want to take it unless I know the material which is another reason why I'm taking Calculus. I would take the actual AB course but I already have enough work load considering I'm taking 2 AP classes and 2 Honors classes. But before I do this I want to know if regular Calculus is the same equivalent to AP Calculus AB? Is there more stuff that you learn in AP Calculus AB than in regular Calculus? Please HELP ! :)

Creationists: EVOLUTION IS ALLREADY PROVEN............?

Zing! Right over their heads. And even if they have the intellectual power to understand it, they keep that head firmly planted in their butts to avoid things that contradict their belief.

I need maturity help?

Ok so im 14 and people say im annoying and immature and i dont like it also my mother says i can do more stuff when im mature well i try but i cant always do it.... how can i be more mature. i also have a 4 year old little bro and he beats on me and i hateeee it but theres nothing i can do i try to be nice but he still hits me and my parents dont do anything cuse hes the "baby" can someone please help me (14yr old female)

Linear regression proof?

How could I prove mathematically that a shift only in the x-axis would alter only the y-intercept, and not the gradient in the linear regression forumla y=ax+b. In other words, how could i prove that the coefficient b would change, but a wouldn't. I know that it is very logical, but are there any mathematical proofs?

I caught my roommate me?

She's been my roommate for about a year and over the past year we've become close friends. It's just been the past two weeks were we haven't been getting on so well. She'll snap at me over the slightest thing, when we do say something to each other. I'm not going to lie I've been feeling really hurt by her changed attitude towards me. We use to talk about everything and do everything together- I don't think I've ever met someone I'm so completely compatible with and for the most part, I know it isn't one sided. The night before last she started complaining about a bowl I had just put in the sink. I told her to relax it's not a big deal. And she picked the bowl up and dropped it on the floor, it shattered everywhere. I was pissed, we started arguing and I yelled at her pretty badly. A few minutes later she said she was really sorry. Okay, I was confused when she apologized so easily. Then I asked her if she was pmsing or something and I was kind of only joking when I asked her "goddamn, when was the last time you got laid...are you sexual frustrated?" I laughed it off, but I could have sworn I saw her cheeks redden. I though nothing of it anyway she's always been uncomfortable when it comes to discussing sexual matters. I'm a lesbian and she is (I'm not sure) were both single. I'm 24 and she's 23. Anyway, we made up, but I was still a bit upset and hurt from her behavior when I came in late from work last night. I don't know if she lost track of time, but I usually get home from work around the same time most nights. I didn't see her anywhere in the house, so I went to check her room. The door was slightly ajar and the lights were off. I didn't knock before I opened the door and walked in- we never do. I heard my name like a breathy whisper being called twice. I answered thinking she was in bed and sleepy, but when I flicked the light on...she was in bed alright, but completely naked and from what it looked and sounded like on the very brink of an orgasm! She leaped out of bed and sort of stood there frozen and so was I. I was in sock, but then she started to cry! I mean really sobbing hard, her arms wrapped around herself trying to cover her nakedness. I couldn't stop staring and my mind was spinning. After what felt like a decade I saw her towel on the floor and picked it up wrapping it around her. She was trembling and couldn't stop crying. I told her if she wanted I hadn't seen or heard anything, but when I looked down on the bed there was a photo of me. She saw me looking at it and went from really flustered to pale. Yes, I was really shocked to find her masturbating to me, but I'm not going to lie the girl is gorgeous. I would have been only very flattered and of course extremely turned on, bu her reaction to me finding her really worried me. She really looked mortified and terrified, then she started to apologize! I sat her on the bed, hugged her, held her and told her everything was fine. It was a long while before she calmed down. She had her face buried in the arch of my neck- she just couldn't look at me. I helped her get ready for bed and she let me stay with her last night. The thing is now today I'm not sure what I should say to her...I'm pretty sure if I don't bring it up she wont and it will only eat away at her and drive her nuts. And I'm sure when I do bring it up it's only going to cause new tears of fear and embarrassment. I don't even really know what I should say, how long should I wait to bring it up?! I do have feelings for her...a lot. I want to tell her, but I am still a kind of shocked- not the whole masturbating to me thing, but her reaction afterwords. Should I wait awhile before I bring it up...what should I do please?!

Maths equation F+2 = 1.2F What does F=?

I know the answer is F = 10 but I only know that from trial and error, how would I work out F is mathematically in-case I get a much harder question with the same letter on each side.

How to get my girlfriend to come back(we've been together for over a year)?

I ignored her(for a couple weeks, she didn't even try to talk to me either) for neglecting me. I decided that was wrong to do,so I apologized/said I loved her. Now she's ignoring me for over 2 months and counting(missed my birthday too). I stopped contacting her after I apologized. She recently made a facebook account and added a friend of mine(she knows him thru me) and talks to him on there a lot(hes married), im sure just so i'd notice her/get jealous, she didn't add me.Shes stubborn and wants to prove to me that she can leave me(we've broken up/got back together a lot). I tried calling her today(1st contact in months) but my cell # was blocked, but didnt block me from fbook?My friend just blocked her from fbook.Should I message her on fb? If so, what to say?

Resizing topographical maps?

I have a USGS 1:24,000 scale map (saved in PDF) that I would like to resize to a 1:25,000 so that it can be used with military protractors. Will resizing the map affect the accuracy? Does anyone have experience with this? Mathematically it should be reduced to 96%, but when I simply hold the protractor up to my monitor (viewed as full size) it appears to require reduction to 91%. Any advice on this matter?

Should I reply even though he wants space.?

I fell in love with a guy friend we had 3 months of drama involving him kissing me and me asking for too much. I write him a letter telling him i love him (I still love him) we were drunk and had sex. Afterwards when sober we talked he said we was scared and I wanted too much too fast he felt I was obsessed and intense but we both made mistakes. He has a lot going on in his life and needs some time. I ignored this and sent him emails and texts, last week we argued and he was very mean but in the end he apologised and asked that I respect his space and he didn't mean to sound mean. I was angry so ignored the apology. I gave had time to think and feel bad for not respecting him and now want to respect his space. We were never in a relationship. Should I reply? It's been a week or will he know I am respecting him?

I'm a freshman in pre-calculus and it was a little challenging for me,so will AP Calculus AB be much harder?

(The reason why I'm a more mathematically advanced than other high school freshman is because I took extra classes at a community college.) Please offer some good advice about how to make it next year! I feel I can't keep up with these high - level math classes for much longer :(

Is my best friend behaving this way out of grief? Or is there something else here?

I think she just needs some time to think things through. She has to figure out who she really is inside and get through the things she's holding onto. She needs some alone time. Ask her later [when ya'll aren't drunk] and help her through it. Sorry if it's bad advice but it's not you, it's her.

Would you be confused?

I know this is really silly. I have a fairly new friend who lives near me. She is getting a home hairdresser and I suggested I come over too and get my hair done and she said that was a good idea. Last night, she and a couple of other friends came over for dinner and she said that she had made the appointment and I said that I would ring the hairdresser to see if she could fit me in too. She said that it was ok. I said that don't you remember we spoke about it and she said she'd just get her hair done. I was confused and I felt the atmosphere go weird wondering what on earth had happened. At the end of the night, when we could talk alone, I asked her what was going on and she explained that she has an embarrassing problem and doesn't want to get her hair done in front of others and that it wasn't personal. I said that was fine and apologised for offending her in any way. After she had left, it just kept playing over in my head as to why she just didn't flat out refuse me when I first suggested it. I felt very awkward in front of the other ladies when it happened. What would you have done? Do I have a right to feel perplexed? I also feel really silly and feel like I did something wrong and feel dense for not reading the situation right.


Okay so I'm a girl and I just graduated from high school a month back. There's this guy same age as me that i met 2 weeks before school ended. His name's Anthony. I saw him my freshmen year and thought he was soo hot. Honestly the kid kept getting hotter. Anyways lol, I noticed that junior when I'd walk by his group he'd always stare at me. Like a lot. After a while I got super annoyed cause all he would do was stare and not talk to me. Then senior year he continued to stare but even more obvious! I wasn't sure if he was staring cause he was interested or he couldn't get over how ugly I was. Then senior year, two weeks before school ended we talked for the first time, I was standing with one of his friends cause we were assigned a room together for a senior project speech. I was looking down at my shoes but I could feel him staring at me so I looked up and he got surprised and he gave like the cutest smile. Anthony and me got to talking that day and he left when it was time for my speech cause his classroom was on the other side of school. I talked to him the day after but only for a few minutes cause i was in a hurry. I sent him a friend request on facebook like a week after graduation. Then he asked for my number. So I gave it. He always texts first & replies in less than 3 minutes which is kinda cute. Cause most guys will have me text first and take like 10 minutes to reply. He kept like saying random dirty jokes and then he'd be like haha jk. I know he's kidding but I decided to ask are you hitting on me or what? He's like yeah haha i am hitting on you. I said why? He replied that he thinks I'm cute. We got to talking more and he said he wanted to hang out with me this weekend. So we planned it out & all. It came up that he even told a few friends about me that he thought I was cute. He kept insisiting on hanging out. Thing is his family is really complicated. His mom lives in a different state so hes leaving Tuesday to go visit. He lives with his dad and his like 7 year old sister lives with someone else. She came to visit and she wanted to go do things with her bro and dad before 4th of July. I believe him because i heard how much he loves his younger sister from a mutual friend. He kept apologizing and promised that he would make it up to me. I felt really bad cause he apologized like 20 times. Literally. A lot of people have told me that he's so nice and stuff. He really does seem so. Many guys have told me Im pretty and cute but idk. I just find it hard to believe someone as hot as him would be into me. (If you want pics of both of us for reference email me ).Does he seem like he's really interested or is he just messing with his head?